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Via Solutions was set up  in 2008 and has built a reputation for practical and commercial advice. We provide highways, traffic and transport consultancy and highway design services to a broad range of public and private sector clients across a number of sectors including residential, commercial, industrial, education, food and drink, logistics and renewable energy.  The varied and combined experience of the team provides an extensive knowledge base allowing us to support a client through their project from initial feasibility to delivery and operation.  

Via Solutions are proactive at responding to and tackling issues head on and identifying project challenges and risks from the outset. Our in house experience around design and delivery as well as an understanding of potential costs and therefore the viability of highway works, can be considered early in the design process, providing a valuable link between the planning and delivery stage. We will always work with the design team to identify the most commercial, low risk solution to achieve deliverable planning consents.


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